Basil the Special Dog (Update Part II)

Author’s Note: Here’s the latest draft of my childrens’ book.    Any comments or constructive feedback more than welcome.


This is my dog Basil.
He’s a big old friendly dog.

But sometimes he behaves funny.

He’s…well…a “special” kind of dog.


When some dogs bark, they go “Yap! Yap!”, “Woof Woof” or “Bow Wow”.


Basil is so special, he goes “Nee!  Nee!”


Some dogs are afraid of the vacuum cleaner


Basil is so special, he’s afraid of the barbecue.


Some dogs like to dig in the garden


Basil is so special, he’ll destroy the flowers, even before they’re planted.


Some dogs get excited when they ride in a car…


Basil gets so excited, he once smashed the car windshield WITH HIS HEAD!

Of course, Basil’s head is so hard, that he was okay

But my Dad was not too happy.

Dad says Basil is a sometimes a few bricks short of a full load

I don’t know what that means.

Maybe that Basil might not be too smart.


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29 Comments on “Basil the Special Dog (Update Part II)”

  1. Kelly Says:


    The story’s going well! The new “bricks short of a full load” part is believable and very good. How did you end up doing the coloring?



  2. Steph Says:

    Ahahaha!! This is great! I’m so excited about this book. Poor, stupid, cute Basil!

    Friar: you’re writing very well for a kids’ book. I’ve told you before: that’s no small feat!!

    Look forward to more!

  3. Friar Says:


    I’ve been playing with the coloring on Abode Photoshop (Karen JL suggested that…you also suggested Adobe, I think).

    I just got a version of Photoshop 6.0 and I got Photoshop for dummies. I’m going ot learn to use the “layers” and should start putting out some quality illustrations.

    Thanks for the compliment…Sometimes I think writign for kids is harder than for adults. (Hope I can pull it off!)

  4. Steph Says:

    I can tell you write now, you can totally pull it off. It is harder, but you’re doing it.

    Anyway, if you don’t feel that…fake it! 🙂

  5. Steph Says:

    whoops, RIGHT now, I mean!

  6. Nice, Friar! I love the picture of him skulking behind the bushes.

    One could philosophize about Basil (going off yesterday’s post): I mean, isn’t there a little Basil in all of us? We’re all special in our own way, and we rely on the love of others to forgive us when we mess up 😉

  7. Steph Says:

    @ Rebecca: True, that! Very insightful…

  8. Friar Says:

    @Rebecca and Steph

    The real-life Basil was quit a special dog. Exactly as I describe him in the story…stupid, out of control, but lovable. He touched a lot of people (even people who didn’t really like dogs).


    I’m faking my way righ tnow…I have no idea what I’m doing! 🙂

  9. This is fun! Did Basil really go ne-ne? My only constructive feedback is that bit jumps out because all the other scenarios are actually believable. They point out how stupid..sorry..special he is, but still believable.

    Okay, maybe I negated my rights to offer constructive feedback when I traumatized you over the whole thing about your mother potentially owning a vibrator.

    It’s all good! More Basil please! 🙂

  10. Friar Says:

    @Urban Panther

    ……(LALALALA…..I can’t hear you…LALALALAL!) 🙂

    But Yes…Basil did bark “Nee! Nee!”.

    It was a kind of plaintive yelp. He lived next door to my friends. When I visited them, he heard me come by. He’d go to the bark yard gate, and stand there, with his paws up on the fence, yelping “Nee! Nee! Nee!.”, asking Uncle Friar to come out and play.

    Basil’s Mummy (also a friend) would then come out and yell at me:

    “Jesus Christ!…would you PLEASE come by and say hi to my dog before he drives the neighborhood crazy?)”

    So far, everything is based on a true story (the smashed windshield…that was done by another yellow lab…). Very similar to Basil, though.

  11. Ryan Says:

    I laughed. That’s my reaction.

  12. Friar Says:


    Well, that’s a good enough reaction for me! 🙂

  13. Rita Says:

    OK Friar, NOW I get it. My itsy bitsy Bichon (whose chosen blog name is “Big Boy”) is frequently called “pea brain” by my husband.

    I keep telling my husband to stop insulting peas!

    Maybe I’ll show him your blog, and he’ll finally get it! (My dog, not my husband.)


  14. I f he says Nee Nee……. does he want a shrubberey

  15. Karen Swim Says:

    Basil would fit right in with my household. 🙂 Great job Friar, can’t wait to buy the book!

  16. Friar Says:

    Basil was 10 times bigger than a Bichon (but probably had the same-sized brain). The rest of his skull was solid bone.


    Perhaps Basil WAS asking for a shrubbery….to POOP on, perhaps?

    @Karen’re one of my first customers. (These are rough pen sketches…it’ll take me a while to get the more polished illustrations out, though)

  17. Ulla Hennig Says:

    I really enjoyed reading and looking at the sketches!

  18. Friar Says:



    Stay tuned…more to come!

  19. Hi Friar,

    Love the book concept. My favorite line was: “Dad says Basil is a sometimes a few bricks short of a full load”. I’ve often heard “They’re not the sharpest tool in the toolbox” and “The lights are on, but no one’s home”.

    I’m looking forward to the continuation……I’ll be back. 🙂

  20. Friar Says:


    How about “A few fries short of a Happy Meal”?

    I plan on having a draft version of the story and illustrations done by mid-October (with updates once every week or so).

    So just feel free to drop by anytime and check out what Basil is doing.

  21. Writer Dad Says:

    I’ve seen your name here and there, but I’m glad I stopped by. You have an adorable blog, and a new subscriber.

  22. Friar Says:

    @Writer Dad

    Thanks! I’ve also been bumping into you on other blogs…you write good stuff too!

  23. It’s so exciting watching this story unfold! You’re well on your way Friar, and I definitely can’t wait for more. Basil is so cute and lovable! I do think writing for children is way harder than writing for adults, and it looks like you’ve got a knack for it!

  24. ooh. I love the color. 🙂 Coming along just fine.

  25. Friar Says:


    I just write about what I know. Basil means will, but he’s big and clumsy, and gets in trouble. That’s why I think kids will identify with him.


    I’m beginning to learn Adobe photoshop…it’s actually quite powerful.

    I’m toying with the idea of doing watercolor pen and ink by hand also. (I might try both and see how it turns out). But I suspect that once I master Adobe, I might be able to do it all electronically.

  26. Adobe’s cool. So would the inks and watercolors be. Depends on the effect you are after. Look on line a Mr. Putter and Tabby illustrations( the books). They are loose so may not be what you like, but they are reallly fun and terrific. I love the subtle color you chose.Really.

  27. Friar Says:


    Oh, I just clicked on some color swatches on Abodbe, and then chose to make them a bit lighter.

    I’m somewhat partial to coloring in my pictures electronically (as opposed to heart-stopping watercolor…when one wrong move can ruin hours of work!)

    Thanks for the suggestions of Mr. Putter and Tabby. I routinely look at other books to get ideas of what’s out there, and I welcome any suggestions.

  28. Just a thought. I have not done any electronic drawing, but it looks tempting. I like to look at what is out there too. Love the Basil book so far.

    I think I’ll be doing some small watercolor work this week. I am looking to refine some colors. Haven’t made a satisfying ” taupe “yet..Picky me.

  29. Friar Says:


    Can’t you buy a tube of ‘taupe” paint? 🙂

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