Vikings Invade the Playground

Yes, I know they’re not being very nice…

But what do you expect?   They’re VIKINGS….!   😉

– Friar


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35 Comments on “Vikings Invade the Playground”

  1. Writer Dad Says:

    Dang, I feel sorry for that little girl on the swing.

  2. Friar Says:

    @Writer Dad

    Oh, don’t worry. He’s just going to cut the chains and wreck the swing, like he did with the other 2 kids. 😉

  3. Sal Says:

    @WD: Yea, but that see-saw thing looks like it would be a blast doesn’t it!?!

  4. Friar Says:


    …Lucky for the screaming kid, someone was there to catch him.

    Not that the Vikings would have been concerned, though 😉

  5. Steph Says:


    This is HILARIOUS!!

    I love it when you go to boring seminars paid by work. They have to send you on these things more often. And you can say, oh, yes, they’ve helped me tremendously…(my portfolio’s getting done!)

  6. Steph Says:

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I just can’t stop laughing! Everything is perfect! The stances, the emotions…it’s all too funny!

  7. Brett Legree Says:

    I was sitting beside Friar while he was developing this one… it was all I could do to not burst out laughing and interrupt the instructor 🙂

  8. Friar,
    This is fantastic! What a great way to start a Friday. The viking at the bubbler (do you call them “bubblers” in Canada or “water fountains”?) is my favorite. He’s enjoying that way too much.

    (and it even looks like Basil got in on the fun!)

  9. Steph Says:

    It’s even funnier to picture you and Brett surreptitiously giggling away as you doodle.

  10. Friar Says:


    It’s funny…I cant’ draw pictures like this at home.

    I do the best ones when I’m stuck in a tedious, boring environment (like courses, or school).

    I spent my entire university career doing pictures like this. (Somehow, I managed to remember enough of the course material to pass).

    Maybe I should deliberately enroll in a shitty night class at a community college, just to inspire me to do more cartoons.

    I think you sitting next to me, egged me on. I had a built-in audience.

    Oh, no. Nobody here in Canada calls them “bubblers”!! :-). They’re just water fountains.

    (But the doggie isn’t Basil…Basil is a lab…this one has pointed ears. Probalby a shepherd mix).

    Brett is one of the best (or worst) influences in my life right now. I still haven’t figured out which it is. 😉

  11. Karen JL Says:

    Something about a Viking saying “Boo!” that is just too silly.
    You can’t say you weren’t productive at that meeting. 🙂

  12. Friar Says:


    Maybe the Viking should have pronounced it as “Bue” (to sound more Scandanavian).

    PS. You should see all the Basil ideas I got at the meeting too!

  13. Karen JL Says:

    That’s awesome! Maybe mind-numbing meetings *can* spark creativity. 😉

  14. veredd Says:

    I’m with Writer Dad… I feel sorry for all of them.


  15. Friar Says:


    Mabye I need to keep my present job, then

    (At least until my book gets published!) 🙂

    Aww…I figured some of the sensitive parents would feel this way.

    Don’t worry…I checked the playground later…the Vikings went home, and the kids all survived. 😉

  16. Mike Goad Says:

    They may have survived, but I’m sure they’re traumatized for life. They’ll have to be treated for post traumatic stress disorder — where’s the counselors?

  17. Friar Says:


    Oh, there will be grief counesllors out in droves.

    Then the townsfolk will hold a candle light vigil to commemorate the fallen swing-set, and schools will hold a “Viking Awareness Week” 😉

  18. Peter Says:

    This made my day. A!

  19. Amy Derby Says:

    I like the merry-go-round. LOL

    Basil’s pointy-eared side-kick is pretty cool.

  20. Friar Says:


    If it was a Great Dane, then he’d welcome the Vikings instead of running away from them!

  21. Friar Says:


    Pretty good. A!

  22. Evelyn Lim Says:

    Is that an old grandma sitting on a chair in the second picture? Can you explain this?

    I have to say your comics are really funny!!

  23. Friar Says:


    Hahah! Good eye!

    Yes, that’s an old grandma sitting there. Frowning, and clucking disapprovingly at the whole scene.

    But of course, she’s not actually doing anything about it!

  24. davinahaisell Says:

    I don’t want to play anymore! You baaaaad. Is that any way to treat man’s best friend (at bottom)? Huh?

  25. Friar Says:


    Ohh…it’s probably actually good for the kids, to learn a Life Lesson like this.


  26. Hey, it’s kind of like a comic strip! Viking superheroes!

  27. Rita Says:

    I spent SO much time here, trying to figure out which comic made me laugh the hardest. Each time, I laughed so hard at ALL of them, that I gave up! Friar. this is delicious! I LOVE IT! MORE! MORE!


  28. Friar Says:

    You might be onto something there…Vikings acting like heroes, but they’re fallible (because of their inherent Viking nature). Kind of like a Spiderman/Peter Parker theme. 🙂

    Oh, there definitely WILL be more.

    But in the mean time, you can get another taste of Viking cartoons on Brett’s recent post:

  29. bethpart Says:

    My favorite is the merry-go-round, with all the kids flying.

    Come to think of it, my elementary school playground sometimes seemed like this.

  30. Friar Says:


    I have memories of my Dad doing this. We didn’t quite fly off but it the ride was AWESOME! 🙂

  31. Cath Lawson Says:

    Friar – you crack me up. You have a whacky imagination. I don’t know how you and Brett keep coming up with all this viking stuff.

  32. Friar Says:


    Thanks! It always makes me feel good, when someone tells me I crack them up.

    (I have NO IDEA where this Viking stuff comes from, though. It’s all Brett’s fault).

  33. Sean Says:

    ha ha! genuine lols here. Would’ve liked to see that kid landing in the bin.

    Also, a bit disappointed that grandma is immune to the chaos. Grandmas on swings or playing with balls are consistently on Funniest Home Videos. Hilarious.


  34. Friar Says:


    I think Grandma had enough of the Vikings, from the previous week. As shown here:

  35. Peter M Says:

    Love the spinning roundabout – my daughter used to get me to spin the one in our local park so she was hanging on to the bars and her body was flying out horizontally!

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